
Showing posts from 2012


I haven't studied calligraphy and don't really understand that much about it, but I still try to practice it every now and then to improve my brush control. So today filled the sheet with character 'new' (新) written in different styles (above a part that fit to the scanner). 


I have heard that the Chinese brand Snow is the world's best selling beer. It is cheap and tasteless and I don't know who actually drinks it. Not Beijingers I think, they prefer the local brand Yanjing, which is the world's best beer (in my opinion... )


My moving boxes finally arrived on Monday. They were on their way from Beijing to London for almost 4 months. I have spent a couple of days now opening them and exploring and arranging the contents. It feels like Christmas though I am quite shocked about the amount of possessions I have. I thought I threw away a lot but now I notice I still have too much. The only things I have really missed have been my art supplies, kitchenware and some pieces of furniture...


Image the sincerest form of flattery? After Rain / 雨后, 2011, 100 x 53 cm, ink and watercolor on xuan paper Yesterday I bumped into an almost exact copy of my painting (above) in an internet art portfolio site. It was a strange feeling...


9 Month Stretch Back in London, nice to be drawing again! (And still don't know how to get rid of that stupid border around images, I think I set it as transparent already, why is it still there...??)


Gorge / 峡谷, 74 X 46 cm, 2012 (410), ink and mineral color on rice paper Busy busy busy. I have spent a couple of days in Helsinki to plan my exhibition that opens in January in Gallery Jangva . ( Gorge is one of the paintings to be included.) Tomorrow will continue to Beijing to fetch my cat Nunu...


One day on savannah.

Janus Face

Janus Face, 75 x 45 cm, ink and Chinese watercolor on hand-made xuan paper, 2012 (553) This is one of the paintings I made just before leaving China. The painting itself is now somewhere between Beijing and London as well as most of my art supplies. I miss them, especially after I have seen how much those things cost in UK.


Hmmm, I doodled this last weekend but was planning to do something else for Illustration Friday later. Since it is already Thursday evening, this will be do :-P

Life Drawing

Tried one of the life drawing venues of London yesterday, I liked that place, they had two models, poses were interesting, and there were even tea and cookies... :-)


This is my first contribution to Illustration Friday in more than 3 months! Moving from Beijing to London took a lot of time and energy but now I am finally more or less settled. Most of my art supplies are still on the way but I have my little sketch pad and little bottle of ink = enough to start doodling again.

Tweed Flower

Greetings from the land of tweed...! I moved from Beijing to London last month. More or less settled by now, only the internet connection is missing. Tweed Flower / 花呢花 2012 (482), 75x46 cm, ink and Chinese color on xuan paper

Qipao Life

Sold 4 paintings today, including one of my favorites, Qipao Life:  Qipao Life / 旗袍一生, 2011 (338), 74x44 cm, ink + Chinese watercolor + oil pastel on xuan paper

Still in Dongzhimenei

Welcome to my new blog*! I am still in Beijing but in 2 weeks time I will be heading towards new adventures, so exciting...  I wanted to paint the view from my window before I go. I haven't really tried paintings landscapes with Chinese brushes so it was an interesting experiment. But I still prefer flowers, it is more fun and free. View to West (Dongzhimennei) / 东直门内, 2012 (490), 75x46 cm, ink + Chinese water color + oil pastel on xuan paper *This is my 3rd sketch blog therefore number three in the title. The 1st one was a Flash site I started in 2004 (not online at the moment). The 2nd one covered last four years of my Beijing life (and should have been called Sasa's Sketchbook 2... :-P).