Imitation... the sincerest form of flattery?

After Rain
After Rain / 雨后, 2011, 100 x 53 cm, ink and watercolor on xuan paper
Yesterday I bumped into an almost exact copy of my painting (above) in an internet art portfolio site. It was a strange feeling...


  1. You mean someone stole your idea?
    ie your painting?
    If so, you publish the name of that person, and we're all going to tell him (or her) how disrespectful is about intellectual property!!!!

    1. Yes. I don't know what to do. Or should I do anything. At least I don't want to publish the link and potentially generate some traffic to the site ;-P

  2. Such things happen if we want or not. Sometimes it is just coincidence, sometimes it is not.... It is strange but sometimes arise the same ideas on the other side of our Earth but sometimes the ideas are copied including the title....
    You can get angry....and nobody could blame you , or you can shrug your shoulders and think you created something special .... well , in the time of Bach , it was a honor if someone used some parts of his music composition....

    1. You are right, if you post something to in the internet, it is easy to copy it. The best approach is probably just move on and keep producing original work :-)

  3. I understand it is a difficult decision to take. But at least I would contact the person and have a chat. That would help to see what action is appropriate.
    Most artist societies have sample letters on their website that you can use.
    On LinkedIn a few good discussions have been published that are most helpful too.
    Keep an eye on the person who copied your work. One time can be forgiven, a second time definitely not.

    1. That is a good advice, I think I'll contact her.

  4. The way I see it and was that somebody who copies can only produce a poor quality are the lucky one with the original ideas...if somebody persists, then they will probably have to keep copying you if 'their' work is to be cohesive....I would contact those who run the portfolio site and explain what has happened and tell them you want to sort it out in a professional manner...if they don't do anything, then have a word with the copier. Nice work BTW...(it is a compliment to be copied...but its bloody annoying and should be nipped in the bud ASAP...)

  5. It is a compliment as this is a beautiful piece of work but also very annoying. I too would contact the site, they are likely to sort it out for you but unfortunately this type of thing is always going to happen. It's best not to get too upset about it however I know that is easier said than done!


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