Red Envelopes & Brushes

Here are some more 'red envelopes' for Roberto and Zyzanna. I picked a traditional Chinese motif as a starting point but made changes to it while painting. Especially the round ones in the bottom were difficult, I didn't do a pencil sketch first so had to change the plan quite a lot to fit the image inside the circle. Also, I did those last and started to have hard time concentrating and made a lot of mistakes.
Bird & plum tree
Phoenix & sea
Phoenix & peony

Also a bit closer look of my Chinese ink painting brushes - and my feline art buddy Nunu. (I am so embarrassed about the quality of the photos, I wish I had patience to learn to take photos like Paula.)


  1. HEY!! Sasa! Here I am! (I was expecting to see your artwork here, behind the curtain, you did not see me, haha)
    this is wonderful, I do not see errors, please!
    Thanks for showing this. How you were not going to show it?
    Thank you!!
    I admire you, Sasa!
    I will return for sure!!!

  2. Oh Oh, Beautiful cat!!!!! is this your Beijing's cat????

  3. OH Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. Phoenix & sea is my favorite.

    Nice, delicate work.

  5. Ahhh love these! So awesome! particularly the circular ones!

  6. I think that these beautiful envelopes should contain only good messages, tenderness and love!

    The brushes are so tempting - I suppose they show their "magical power" in your hands!:)

    The cat looks so pretty!


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