
Doodling while watching football... Black sketch pad is not really for the nightless nights of midsummer but couldn't resist it when I found it from my art storage. Need to start using it more.


  1. Hi, Sasa!! Happy Summer, I always think that summer (although the heat is oppressive, and at the end of the season, I ask loudly that the Fall arrives)... I always think, it is the season of love, (even more than the spring) because Summer to me, means vacation, relaxed people on the beach, long nights outside the house, drinks, dancing under the night sky ... all conducive to falling in love. :)
    I hope that you, this summer, have your best days and your best nights!
    Now, your illustration: Love it, as always. Continue drawing in black pad, you get good results! have a nice week!!!!

    1. Thanks Robert. I agree, summer is the season of love Can't get enough of it :-)

  2. Hello Sasa.
    J'espère que tu vas bien par ces temps de canicule !
    Je connais ça aussi, ces irrésistibles pulsions créatrices qu'il faut mettre à exécution sous peine de perdre la tête. ça vaut quand même mieux que de tuer son voisin !

    Le football t'inspire plutôt bien et en dehors de ce magnifique feu d'artifice, ton humour flotte au firmament ce qui prouve que tu es bien la créatrice de cette toile. Bravo;

    Quand tu auras le temps, passe sur mon blog, il y a une surprise pour toi.
    Bien amicalement.


  3. Hi Sasa! This is fireworks! I love it! And I want to know how you did it. What paint did you use on what paper? Or whatever technique this is! Very sparkly. A festive night for sure. Bye!

    1. I used white acrylic paint and hard pastels. And a bit of markers,

  4. Lovely, Sasa, just lovely. All of it; the flowers, the colours and you have proven scientist wrong that the night is without colours.

  5. Lovely colours and style. I especially like the little moon character!

  6. Dear Sasa, this is FANTASTIC! Such a festive and at the same time magic atmosphere! I like the hint of silver glimmering in the picture! As if I see you for the first time using so many colours!:)

  7. Makes me happy to look at this!

  8. Oh wow, I really like this! It's always a bit challenging trying to draw with "light".
    Looking forward to seeing more! :)


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