
Nunu the cat stepped on a plate of ink and then walked over some work of mine leaving cute paw marks... Unfortunately the end result was quite messy so I was experimenting with backgrounds today.

(This is not the first time Nunu participated in art creation. I have an earlier work where paw marks are clear and well-positioned and only improve the work... If I find it, I'll post it here later.)


  1. Oh oh, dear Nunu. Every artist needs an animal to mess up his paintings! I don't know why. Just to have someone who participates, who don't want to be left out. Back- and foregrounds are great. In the first one you did a very delicate and vivid wooden wall with the simple atributes of your art lying there to rest from their splatter session. Or was that Nunu?
    Second one is totally different. 'Tree and flower walking together in a cornfield' is my title for this work. .

    1. Hedwig, you are the first, the natural order of the things has been restored!!!
      The splatter was not by Nunu :-)
      And naming is always hard for me so 'Tree and flower walking together in a cornfield' it is! Thank you Hedwig!

  2. Sasa Sasa SASA!!
    (This is your cat from Beijing??)

    I want to say again that I love your drawings!
    if I may choose one, without being offensive, I like the drawing above.
    I agree with what Hedwig says, always an artist needs an animal close (attract good creative waves?) ;))))
    ok beautiful art, Sasa!
    I wish you a wonderful week!
    PS: you can walk barefoot in your house!
    show me a picture of your feet!) :))

    1. Yes, I brought Nunu from Beijing :-)

      I also like the one above. The one below is a bit stiff but wanted to try gold paint.

      No feet pictures here (at least I need a manicure first) :-P

  3. If Nunu hadn't left these ink traces, I wouldn't have known about him/her.:-) As I can see you were provoked to change the direction of your creative process and the result is very nice! I like the tree shadow and am always amazed at your use of grey!

  4. Ohh I really like the wood background! It's a great contrast with the rest of the image which is much simpler.

    I have no pets but I wish I did, even if they sometimes like to "help"

    Also I would love to see the other art pieces from your cat ;)

  5. I like your experiments....I think Nunu just wants to be an artist like you!

    1. I think so too, she is very interested in moving brushes...

  6. the table painting has interesting wooden structures in background...achieved by brushes ?? I like also the tablecloth color....

    1. Yes, painted the wooden structure, it was surprisingly easy.

  7. Great works, the wooden background looks very real.
    I would love to see more of Nunu :)

  8. Très drôle, cette intervention surprise de Nunu. C'est en quelque sorte, "la patte du destin " qui entre dans ta vie d'artiste et t'invite à la suivre. Tu l'as fait de très belle façon.
    Bien amicalement.



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