Camden Beach

Went to Camden Beach yesterday with a bunch of artist friends. It is a rooftop with fine sand, deckchairs, beach huts and expensive drinks. It was a cold and windy day but at least it didn't start raining.


  1. Lovely sketches! It has been crowded, as I can see. If I could give you our high temperatures, so that those people (and you) sunbathed!:)

    1. Oh Rossichka, your high temp would have been welcome, I was freezing after this sketching session.

    2. You should come one summer to our seaside! The water temperature is like tea now - between 25-27 degrees Celsius! By the way, lots of English tourists visit our resorts.:)

    3. Looks perfect! I would love to go there, 25-27 is ideal! I am used to summers in Beijing, 5 months of 30+ degrees, so I feel a bit cheated now by (North) European weather...

  2. despite the low temperature it looks cheerful ! or was is due to a lot of drinks ? :)


    1. With those prices... no, it was not due to a lot of drinks :-)

  3. Oh. here the snow is covering the mountains, ha ha, so seeing your pictures brings me some heat!!1 thanks!!
    Sasa, you capture the moment in an excellent way, I guess your speed to take sketches, and color it is dizzying!!!!
    (loved the huge gull on the roof, very funny)
    (I have a question, is a real beach on the sea, or an artificial beach in the city?)

    1. Thanks Roberto! I can believe how observant you are, you spotted the gull!
      It is an artificial beach on a top of a building though windiness made you feel you were by the sea. I was covered by the sand when got home, very real experience :-)

  4. Ha, you are becoming an urban sketcher.

    Your work blends in here perfectly:

    cheers, Paula

    1. Hi Paula, I am aware of the group but I went to check it again and noticed that they have also a community in London AND they meet tomorrow!!! They are planning to sketch by the Thames:
      It looks like it is going to rain tomorrow, but if not, I'll definitely join them :-)

  5. Nice sketches Sasa. I wasn't aware of Camden beach..its looks like fun. The unfortunate thing about London is the weather and the prices. I miss my Country but not those things. In Spain we have 30+ too...and sitting around the swimming pool with mountain views is spectacular...the drinks are cheap too!! Oh and the mediterranean beaches are worth visiting, just 40 mins away! Now I sound like an advert for Spain..lolol!!!!!!! (No work here though :( !! )

    1. Coming from Finland I should be used to bad weather and high prices but... You may be getting a new neighbor... (And there is no work here either.)

    2. Hey, both, why not come to Argentina?
      good weather, beaches in summer, snow in winter, work, and good people! miles and miles of nature untouched!!!! food and drink available at a good price!
      Do not think, call now!!! (it looks like an advertisement) Ha Ha! ;))

    3. Bulgaria, Spain, Argentina... I am starting to have lots of excellent options :-) Now I just need to decide.

  6. I looked and looked for the gull. Think I found it on the little house next to the sun umbrella(can't find the right word). What a great thing to build a beach on a rooftop! Big city fun! I can feel the wind in the second sketch. It's very impressionistic. I love that sky! Bye bye!

  7. Excellents, ces croquis "in situ", toujours difficiles à réaliser mais tellement vivants.
    Belle soirée, Sasa


  8. Sasa!!!
    were you lost in the London fog? ;)))
    Thanks a lot for passing by and leave your nice nice nice comments!!!!


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