
Roberto has been sweet enough to send me this beautiful little painting for my birthday:
I am so happy he gave me the opportunity to experience his fine work in real life, every bit as amazing as in the internet! And knowing Roberto, there was also a thought provoking wisdom behind the painting: Life is a metaphor but still I do not know what it is about.

I have no clue what life is about except that right now it is great :-) Thank you, Roberto!


  1. O O O, what a great present you got!!! Life is a puzzle and a cycle, going in circles, but Roberto is coming through! And the colors are so beautiful. Happy birthday, Sasa!

  2. My dear Sasa, please, you made me blush :))))))
    I wish for you the most beautiful week that no woman in England will!

  3. This is a great Roberto typical of his style. I think he is a man who will allow no walls to stop him on his quest to get to your house and share a Finnish meal with you!!! Or is that a kennel? there a dog that I don't know about?? Anyway Sasa..I am sure each will have there own interpretation....Happy Birthday !!! 21 again?

  4. Great birthday present!!
    Sasa, happy birthday!!

  5. What a precious gift! It contains so many wishes... Don't give up, in any circumstances, is the first that comes up to my mind. Roberto always evokes our emotions and thoughts!
    Happy belated Birthday, Sasa! Lots of love, health and sweet inspiration!


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