
Flowers gone wild...

I was testing how watercolor paper would work with my ink painting. Unfortunately ink always looks quite dull on it when compared to 'rice paper', which shows magnificent shades and nuances. But the problem with rice paper is that painting gets crinkled and needs to be mounted on a stiffer backing paper, which is a very difficult process. Currently I am sending my work to China to be mounted but that is time consuming. There must be soneone in London who has mastered the traditional Asian wet mounting technique?


  1. Oh, yes, it must be tedious to send your painings to China, and wait for return
    I think there must be someone as you say, not far from there.

    Have you tried scraping the watercolor paper, only in some areas before applying the ink? gives good results,
      Ink smears, and if it is a bit diluted with water, even better. :))

    ha ha, no, she did not inherit my talent, she was born with talent.
    OK, be patient, just wait ♫ :)))

    1. Roberto, thank you for the tip, I'm going to try it!
      And postman arrived!!! I am so impressed! I am going to send you an email later.

  2. Maybe I see a woman below right? can it be?
    Ah! visual power of black color is very strong!

  3. Wow, this is explosive work! And very 'chinese' sort of leaves. It's difficult to see on a computerscreen, but this flower looks awesome. Very wild and sparkling.

  4. I knew you'd be good at wild...this is wilder than I thought!!!
    Someone in China town, London will know Sasa!

    1. Thanks Rod! I went there today to ask from shop, which sells ink & rice paper but they couldn't help me :-( Need to ask around more...

  5. Very interesting, full of energy!

  6. Ask around in London's China Town?

    1. You are right Paula. I just replied Rod that I tried today but went to one place only. There must be some other options too.

  7. Sasaaaaaa!
    Wowwwwwww WO WOW! i am happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)))))))))
    Give me some time, please and answer your mail, yes?


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