Cemetary Sketch

I had some time this afternoon so visited the Kensal Green cemetery again. I am still fascinated by the wild chaotic feel of the place. Very different from the graveyards in Finland where the stones are straight and organized according to a grid plan and the vegetation is kept under control - so boring...


  1. you bring me on idea to do similar things , hmm, I like such places , I have to try to find such chaotic place as well , here, in Artichokistan. It should not be problem, though ....
    You captured it well , I like it

    1. I think the tree houses very pretty chaotic, you can start from there.

    2. tree houses "pretty chaotic" ??? and I thought that tree houses were just on neatest places from whole A'stan!! ;)

    3. Then you should have no problem of finding a suitable chaotic place in A'stan ;-)

  2. Great sketch Sasa...Chaotic Kensal!

  3. Sasa, (I came back from the flu, you know)
    As I read what you wrote, I thought:

    will, perhaps, that death is chaotic?
    death is not neat, organized, straight?
    anyway, (I believe) that, in terms of art, aesthetics, and even poetic) a chaotic cementery, gives better results to an artist like you, that an orderly cemetery.
    kisses! (chaotic kisses :)))

    1. I think life and death are both chaotic :-)
      Good to hear you are feeling better Roberto, kisses!

  4. I'm starting to know the place and I love it. The stones look familiar like old friends. Bit chaotic bunch, but friendly. And the light is so beautiful.
    Poor Roberto!!! Hope you are well again.

    1. Ha ha, good definition of old friends :-D Thanks for coming by Hedwig!

  5. Nice, Sasa. We have a similar graveyard nearby. It is heaven for birds, bugs and small mammals, because there are wonderful trees, no cars and few humans. I think it is nice to claim a bit of space after death in order to guarantee birds and small mammals having a little corner in a big city all to themselves.

    Keep sketching and showing us your work. I enjoy it.

    1. That is a great thought, makes sense and puts graveyards in completely different perspective. Thanks Paula!

  6. Lieu de sépulture,lieu d'histoire, lieu de mémoire, et lieu d'inspiration pour toi qui prolonge la vie de ces disparus, d'une belle façon. Je salue ton acte et apprécie beaucoup ta création.
    Belle fin de journée,Sasa et à bientôt.


  7. I love all these observational drwaings you have been doing lately! Keep them coming! :)

  8. I agree with you Sasa, they should all be like this one. It would be a better experience to visit them, to see that your loved ones are in beautiful place, surrounded by trees and plants...probably sounds weird but the vegetation gives so much life to the cemetery...that should be important...I don't know...just to think of cemeteries that look so clean and in order as if they were hospitals makes it worst for me.


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