Flower Battle

Sometimes I wonder why I make so many 'flower paintings'. I am not particularly interested in flowers. I don't know flowers. I don't want to know flowers. I just like painting these imaginary creatures with stems and buds and blossoms and leaves instead of ones with heads and hands and feet...


  1. Hi Sasa, dear friend, I'm sorry I disappointed you a bit with my post. but, you know, not always we are with all the lights (to say something). (to be honest with you ... I did not like what I did, really)
    Hey, I think a creative person (like you are) should not ask herself why she does what she does. You are unique in the world, in the universe, in this sense: nobody does what you do, and the way you do? OK? Only Sasa, but anyway, you're a human being, a human being who uses brushes to express what surrounds her life. Your brain today, processes this information and expressed as flowers. do not ask you why.
    tomorrow, you will do houses, and another day animals, and before you did, bicycles. do not you think that the important thing is just to express yourself? i think so!!! Have a nice week Sasa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    1. Oh no Roberto, you didn't disappoint me, you surprised me! That is always great!!!
      I think I'll change to salt shakers and coffee pots, I think I'm bored with flowers... 8-P

  2. Perhaps you were a flower in a former life.... Anyway, I think flowers are so divers that you can spend a lifetime on them, specially you! More more more!

    1. Haha, I must have been that flower that blooms once every hundred years or so :-D

  3. Why not reading A Victorian Flower Dictionary by Mandy Kirkby, or The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbach? Maybe it is about what flowers communicate to us that attracts you. :-)

    1. Thanks Paula! I have a piece paper that I always carry in my bag listing books I want to read, ready in case I pop into a bookstore or library. I'll add your suggestions to the list, I'm curious!

  4. Bonjour Sasa,
    J'espère que vous allez bien. Les batailles de fleurs sont toujours supérieures à celles que l'on fait avec des armes. Ainsi assuré de ton caractère bienveillant et pacifique, je peux admirer en toute tranquillité ta dernière œuvre.
    Très oriental, sensible, poétique Le trait est vif, nerveux, maîtrisé au travers d'un espace qui nous permet l'évasion. Une très belle œuvre qui te ressemble et dont je te remercie.
    Bien amicalement.


    1. Thanks Roger. I won't replace flowers with weapons :-) (But maybe with salt shakers...)

  5. Hi dear Sasa!! I just came to say: Happy Women's Day!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  6. I dont know why I always draw stupid little men who wear glasses...I don't like them either...Your flowers are much prettier though.


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