Natural Forms


I use these stones as paperweights when I paint. Most remarkable thing about them is that they are totally unremarkable, just ordinary stones I picked from Beijing streets when I lived there.

Oh, there is also one toy car I picked from my home street in London.


  1. love the simplicity.....nice!

  2. I agree with the above comment.

  3. Hi Sasa, thanks for your comment.
    To pick up a stone from the ground and take it with you, has a deeper meaning, I guess you do not get up any random stone. you pick up "that" stone and nothing else, no other, for something that is so
    There is an Indian custom, here in my country, before starting a long journey, you pick up a stone, make a wish, and you leave it in a place in which the stones of different travelers gather, forming a small mountain called "apacheta" is a beautiful custom. Your stones, have meaning for you, for something you took from the Beijing.
    And your drawing is beautiful, as always. :)))))))))))
    Good week for you, dear Sasa!

    1. I think you are right, nothing is random.
      Stones have special meaning. In Tibet you can see piles of stones to pay homage to the spirits of the sky and mountains and to ensure a safe journey. Seems quite similar than your Indian custom, curious, isn't it.

  4. Beautiful abstract composition! Beautiful earthly colors! Beautiful rough wrinkled paper as opposite to the smooth stones. Beautiful story and the fun element is the little car. Bye! Hedwig

    1. Thanks Hedwig, wanted to experiment with wrinkled paper :-)

  5. These stones are not unremarkable - they are special, because are chosen ones and because assist you silently in drawing/painting! I like the softness of the composition!


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