No Limits

...or the sky's the limit...

Roberto invited me to join the Drawing Challenge he hosted. I absolutely loved his theme 'No Limits' but found it really difficult, possibly because of my limited set of art supplies :-)  I am traveling with only a couple of pens and a small black sketchbook, which by the way I have managed to fill in during this trip, this is the last spread...


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE "Flowers and Shit" a few posts down. Love it to bits, bits, bits. I love this work as 'no limits'; this painting has a very neat idea. It reminds me of card no. 12 in tarot [the hanged man] but in terms of a natural element instead of man. Wonderful. The roots will hold it together until new shoots develop and off shoots can develop to work it's way around upright again.
    A beautiful piece here, *smiles* Norma

    1. Thank you, Norma! I love your interpretation, the hanged man idea, that was of course not something that I thought myself but I just love the mystery and allegory of it!!! :-)

  2. Thank you, dear friend, for having the kindly to participate, yet not having your working "weapons", with you.
    An abyss can not have limits, when I imagine a abyss, I imagine, a fall in a vacuum, "unlimited" but in this case, I not imagine a fall, towards the end, I imagine a pleasant fall, perhaps, for the flower, which takes drama to the image. BTW. I love the idea of the flower growing downward. It's what makes me think that fall sometimes does not mean end, but growth. Have a nice week end, Sasa!!!!!

    1. Yet another beautiful interpretation, thank you Roberto! I found it really useful to participate in this challenge and realize that you don't have to have optimal working conditions to produce something...:-)

  3. hi sasa, pleased to meet you. there's a japanese sense to your sky landscape here, that i truly enjoy, perhaps even because of the restrictions you mention. the absolute last stretch, he? great! n♥

  4. Nature sometimes has no limits, there is growth in weirdest environments...your drawing's an image for the struggle of life, for life's power and strength...I even like the possibility to turn the picture upside down and make the flower feel easier and more comfortable... ;-)
    The simplicity is really calligraphic. I was also reminded of Japanese drawings...
    Well done!

  5. Impressive! Love your expressive simplicity, there's much power in it.

  6. hello Sasa and welcome to the dc!
    i looked around in your blogworld and love what i see
    as i like this fine drawing which feels a little japanese to me too
    and it reminds me of my sport-climbing-period ;^)))
    nice, nice!

    Patrice A.

    your name sound finnish to me?
    am i right?

    1. Yes, I am Finnish :-) (Even though Sasa is not really a Finnish name, just a nick name.)

  7. Hello Sasa, travelling artist. How romantic to have just a booklet and some brushes. I see you hiking through Finnish woods with your backpack and resting near a little stream to dip your paint brush.
    I see a mountain which it's reflection on the page below, but then... the mystery of the flower only seen in the reflection! What to think of that? Story's started to develop in my head, about the flower that blooms only on a special day when the light is sharp and makes the water twinkle. It blooms under water and therefore is very rare to be seen. For me this is a piece of limitless interpretations and fantasy's! Glad you are back!

  8. Hi Sasa (for the 1st time) I guess your post shows very well that there are no limits to creativity although the supply might be small. For me it looks like a double sided mirroring world where you don't know which side is up or down, I like that.
    barbara bee

  9. Hello Sasa, just like you I'm new. (This was my second time). You put some lines with a pen on paper and a landscape is there. You limited (and here's that word...) yourself with your tools and exciting things on paper happen. That's great!!

  10. Well I have to say you did very well with such limited pallete so no limit to your talent! Great contribution to the challenge and thanks to Roberto I got to meet you. Manon :)

  11. Hi Sasa! So nice to meet you here and see your lovely ink paintings- really beautiful!
    I had to laugh when I was reading your post as the main limitation you mentioned were your art supplies :)
    I think this little piece is very inspiring- as nature has a way to growing no matter the circumstances- where there is a will there is a way and all- hope you have a great trip and I look forward to visiting again!

  12. Thank you all for your comments and sorry that I haven't had the time to visit your blogs yet. Looking forward to see your work!

  13. Neither your work nor your styles seem to limit your talent.
    Keep going places!

  14. Neither your work nor your styles seem to limit your talent.
    Keep going places!


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