
I started doodling today around this week's Illustration Friday topic Silence. I had no plan in mind, just drew whatever came to my mind: the lady who told me to be quiet at work this week when I talked to my colleague in our open office, sunset by lake, underwater scene, night sky, the Chinese word 安静... Very pleasant and stress free approach to the theme, may try it again :-)

(I have been *silent* for a long time.  My excuses: hunting for a flat, moving, going for a holiday, decorating the new place.... But now I am happily settled and have a beautiful workspace so no more excuses. It is a promise.)


  1. good to see you here again! and do no t apologize being silent ! ;)

  2. Hi Sasa! Welcome back! I want to thank you for your comment! It makes me very happy!!!
    Your Silence. Because of all the different elements it's almost a story. It looks like an illustration from an old book in an unknown language. When I see this I start fantasizing and that's always a good sign! All those differents things put together by you with your beautiful strokes makes a unity, very balanced and very intriguing!

  3. Hello, Sasa! Nice to know you are happy at your new place - I wish you many happy moments there!
    I like your drawing and the different nuances of gray - just like the different types of silence you've depicted! A great idea!!

  4. Hi Sasa. !!!!!! Thank you very much for stopping by my blog! You are very kind! I love when you draw people. and I also like when you draw places, places of cities, you are a good graphic chronicler, reminds me of the artists who made ​​sketches of people in the rooms where they carried out a trial. where you can not take pictures
    Beyond that, your interpretation of the word Silence (good word to draw, I think I'll do something with it) is very good! you are a great connoisseur of black and white. and always, that "Oriental touch" that defines your art, Congratulations!
    PS: I'm surprised, I know you know the Marimekko designs very well, but how do you know that the chair is a Chinese chair! :)

  5. Ah... And tell that lady on your office, that a woman cant stay silent!!!! ;)

  6. Sasa, congratulations with your new place. You have drawn a noisy but calm silence. I almost hear the sun exploding and starting the day.

    @ Roberto; neither can men! :-)

  7. J'ai toujours beaucoup de plaisir à retrouver tes travaux, Sasa. Cette forme de carnet de voyage dans ta vie intérieure est très intéressant . Tes rencontres avec des mots, des situations de hasard, donnent de très beau effets et je suis toujours très fan de tes dessins. Merci Belle semaine à toi, Sasa.



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