Sofa (IF: Home)

This is where I have spent quite a lot of time during last couple of days...

Finally got myself to draw 'the new sofa', quite different from the sofa in the previous apartment. The latter was definitely more comfortable but we gave it away because it didn't fit in the new flat (both style and size wise). This is a hard futon sofa bed thing but I like the streamlined look.

Happy new year to all you wonderful people who visit my blog. I am off to Tenerife tomorrow and hope to return with bunch of sunny sketches to share.


  1. Once drawn by you, this sofa has come into your life for sure! It looks differently, but cosy, too, with all those pillows.
    Have a fantastic stay in Tenerife and say "HI!" to the sun from Bulgaria, where the snow came with temperatures under the zero and a cold (for me)...:(
    Happy and Inspiring New Year, Sasa!x

  2. Happy new year, Sasa! Enjoy ( I hope for you) nice weather in Tenerife. Obviously I can't report on your sofa in terms of comfort :) but I can say I like your muted colors in your drawings....

  3. Hi dear Sasa !!!!!!!!!!! Always, always, I love your drawings!
    I wonder: How does your cat is not on this couch, between these cushions? :)
    Hope you have a fun New Year with special food and something to drink! I'm anxious to see your Tenerife's drawings!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a nice trip !!

  4. Hi Sasa! I like the new sofa! The cushions are so inviting. They say: come lie down on me for a nap! But I also like the wall that has panelling and flowery wallpaper. It says this is an old house. I like the little frames put on the skirting-board. What a handy and extraordinary idea! I like the lamp because it says that someone sits in that corner with a book sometimes. I like the remote controlls because I can see you sitting on that couch and watching tv.
    I like that you go to Tenerife. Warm, sunny, lovely! Bye!!!!!!

  5. Happy New Year Sasa,, cool sofa!!!! Great sketch!!!

  6. Hi Sasa!!! how are you?????? Centuries without knowing of you!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for passing by!!!!!!!!!! have a beautiful week!! ♥

  7. Hi, Sasa, where are you? Still on the sofa? I can't believe that. You are too creative and industrious.
    Hope you will emerge again. :-)

  8. Bonjour Sasa
    Après une longue absence, je reviens avec beaucoup de plaisir ici, même si je regrette que tu sois parie en vacances depuis le 14 décembre 2014? CE QUI EST TON DROIT;
    Je ne suis plus sur facebook depuis JE SUIS CHARLIE qui m'a valu des attaques sévères de Hackers.
    En tous les cas, tu dessines toujours aussi bien


  9. Bonsoir Sasa.
    Je ne pense pas que tu passes souvent ici, mais je n'ai que cet endroit pour t'annoncer que je t'ai dédicacé une œuvre land art, ce jour, sur mon blog, en toute amitié.


  10. Hi Sasa!!! I wonder how you are? Are you happily lying on the sofa in your new home? I send you best wishes and lots of love, Hedwig

  11. SASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! what a joy to see your comment on my blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!! Trendsetter!!!!!!!!!!!! OH, you are so funny!!! Don't disappears so often!!! or... for a long time! I miss your drawings and paintings!

  12. Ce canapé va très bien à une longue pose de ton blog puisque l'on peut s'y asseoir en t'attendant.Au passage, je te souhaite, bonne santé et un bel été à venir.


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