
Showing posts from 2016

Sitting on the stairs of St Paul's Cathedral

... and drew this spread in my A5 moleskine.

Developing Landscapes

An art project I participated this Spring had an exhibition opening yesterday in Pump House Gallery, London. The project was called Developing Landscapes. We visited various development sites in South West London over a six week period and painted changing landscapes. Documentation of the project can be found on  Instagram . Here is one wall from the exhibition, my work in the bottom right corner, one of the numerous 'crane paintings' I did (sorry about the reflections). And here is another wall, my monochrome work in the middle (top right), a pile of dirt and a construction site. I don't have a proper photos of most of my work since I left the originals to the wonderful artists, Ali and Seb, who were the originators and organizers of the project, but below is of my water colour works from North Street Mews featuring an abandoned Mongolian Race car. This one is in the exhibition too.

Battersea Park Pagoda

Painting in Battersea Park. There is this beautiful pagoda, which makes me feel 'homesick'.


This is for Illustration Friday theme Childhood.  I wanted to try something different. I didn't do any planning, just started drawing, and now I have loads of ideas of how I should have done this differently. Well, next time...

Pinky Flower

I decided to submit a painting to this year's  Summer Exhibition of Royal Academy of Arts . There is going to be several rounds of judging, so we will see... The likelihood of being selected doesn't seem too high but my main motivation was to push myself to create a new series of work. And I loved the process of it, I have so many new ideas now!

Canary Wharf

Oh, I just realized that January is almost gone without me posting anything... So here are some sketches I made in Canary Wharf two weeks ago (it was very cold day to draw outside so proud of myself). I love industrial scenes and will definitely draw there again (which should be easy since I happen to work there as well).