Canary Wharf

Oh, I just realized that January is almost gone without me posting anything... So here are some sketches I made in Canary Wharf two weeks ago (it was very cold day to draw outside so proud of myself).

I love industrial scenes and will definitely draw there again (which should be easy since I happen to work there as well).


  1. I'm impressed! This kind of scenery seems so difficult to me, but your hand is "light", your eyes - "sharp" and you recreate the atmosphere with such an ease!

  2. Hi, Sasa! I think I see your art since about 5 years ago (So much time passed? Since Beijing times, and I always felt that you make simple which is complicated. I'd say you have a power of synthesis.
    You have the ability, and the art, so that the urban scenes full of people, or cable lines or windows of buildings, or, as in this case, the port. is something "understandable" clean, clear.
    Definitely, I think you're an urban artist. one documentarian of modern life in big cities. And I admire you, because for me that's impossible. Have a nice wee, Sasa!

  3. Hi Sasa! Incredible that you can do this! I can see the beauty in machines and industrial things, but to sit and draw! I wouldn't know where to begin. I agree with all Rossichka and Roberto have said, and I want to add that in the second image you painted almost abstact, well not that exactly... No what I mean is you give an impression, like the waterlilies of Monet.
    But yours is Sasa style. You paint a flower or a crane with the same touch, partly blurred and watery, partly lines and clear. I like it very much that you choose such different objects. It is a surprise, everytime I visit here!

  4. l'essentiel est dit. Nous sommes dans un port, sur les docks. Il y a du bruit, des moteur de grues de treuil, de la sueur sur le dos des dockers, des marchandises en transit et une toute petite femme, au pied de ces monstres de ferraille, avec son carnet de croquis et quelques couleurs. J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais.



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