Sitting on the stairs of St Paul's Cathedral

... and drew this spread in my A5 moleskine.


  1. and enjoying nice weather..... It looks sunny in your moleskine ;)

    I see some secret Chinese symbols behind the statue ...... but perhaps it is my fantasy...:)

  2. Hi Sasa! What a nice fresh colors. Yes, I see the Chinese symbols! I also see that the little tower is a face with green hat and a smug smile :)))))))))

  3. Hi Sasa!!! It is always a beautiful experience to come to your blog and appreciate your art (I wish this happens more often) I like the way you break perspective, giving to the work an interesting dynamic, you have a quality, your works are figurative, but from a certain point one can see them with an abstract touch. Show your art more often please. :)

  4. Thank you all for your sweet comments. Now I see Chinese characters and a smiley face too :-) I will try to post more often.

  5. Bonjour Sasa, J'espère que tu vas bien. Je te le souhaite. C'est toujours un plaisir de revenir ici et découvrir la fraîcheur et la spontanéité de tes œuvres comme celle proposée, ici.
    Prononcer ton nom, est pour moi, comme lire une portée de notes, une mélodie.
    Comment t'oublier, alors. Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de te dédicacer une œuvre sur ma page ROGER DAUTAIS GOOGLE+ . Il me reste pour le moment, cet endroit pour communiquer car mon blog est arrêté depuis plusieurs mois pour raison de santé.
    Bel été à toi chère Sasa.


  6. Dear Sasa, what a nice surprise to see a comment made by you! it is very silent in blogland, but I am very happy we still can find each other. I hope you are well and I hope that some day you make a new post here. Love, Hedwig

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. And happy new year to you too!!!!!!!!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a lovely sketch!
    He-he, I was there in July 2017!


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