
Watched football practice in Queen's Park. The coach tried to teach the kids to keep moving and passing the ball to each other. But most of the time they forgot and just stood there staring.


  1. No no, please, I do not want psychologists;)
    Today is the new moon, certainly, but unfortunately, she does not let us see it, right?, Will be a very dark night, take care! my friend!!!

    This is a rare drawing of yours, almost a cartoon drawing. do you remember those drawings of yours, when I speak about Chantal Montellier? You have in a corner of your mind the cartoon drawing, Sasa! ;)))
    Have a nice weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))

    1. I didn't remember you mentioned her. I googled her and noticed that I have read her Kafka book but otherwise I am not too familiar with her work.
      Have a nice weekend too!

  2. "Oh no... I would love to see the day when walls of all the boxes collapse. :-)"

    the good thing will be to find out who we have in the box next to ours ;)

    1. I am sure you are in some box not far away of mine :-)

  3. I remember that if you moved the ball wouldn't get to you so easily so we stopped...its was an erratic un timed period of football learning!

  4. That coach looks inmovable like a rock. Perhaps she gives the wrong example.

    1. Haha, maybe :-) It is actually he, a BIG guy with long braided hair.

  5. Bonjour Sasa,
    Je découvre ton blog grâce à Roberto et je le fais avec émerveillement. J'aime beaucoup ton univers d'artiste. Je le trouve, poétique, intéressant, créatif, jeune. Bref, des qualité qui font de toi, très certainement, comme on dit en Franc " une belle âme" une" belle personne".



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