Kensal Green Cemetery

Yesterday I went to Kensal Green Cemetery to draw with a location sketching group. It was an interesting place with ancient looking mausoleums, huge trees and varied views from serenely beautiful to messy and deserted. We were there for less than an hour, so I managed to draw only this one page but I am definitely going to go there later to draw more.


  1. Sasa, this is spectacular, yes, actually I think you should go back and draw more!
    the combination of straight lines and curved lines, and the dark color and white, creates a unique climate, I think white and black are the colors for a sketch in a cemetery.
    how well you've drawn the vine on the tree and the cross!
    Admirable, Sasa!

    1. Thanks Roberto, I will go back, hopefully already this week.
      Have a great Monday!

  2. Oh, I like it. Combination of trees and foliage (ivy) is nicely executed. I find it very difficult, lately I did some sketches of trees and/or vegetation but with no satisfying results :(

    1. Have you tried brush? I have noticed that it is much easier to get good results when using brush to draw vegetation, looks somehow 'more organic'.

  3. Very romantic place with the leaning stones, the dark tree covered with ivy. The quickness of the sketch gives it a real 'schwung'. It reminds me of Van Gogh!

  4. Sasa
    Bravo pour ce travail digne de toi.
    Les cimetières sont des lieux familiers et de méditation pour ma part. Je suis bien sûr sensible à la beauté des vieux cimetières mais j'y trouve matière à réflexion. Combien de regrets éternels n'ont pas résisté au temps. Ces tombes abandonnées nous montrent bien aussi nos limites en matière de mémoire car notre société a tendance à oublier la mort. Au-delà du motif à peindre, je crois très utile, pour des élèves de comprendre tout cela par eux-mêmes, tout en peignant. Ce geste peut-être considéré aussi comme un hommage aux disparus.


    1. Thanks Roger, that is poetic and inspiring. Next time when I go there I try to keep your words in mind.

  5. God these things are growing out of the ground like the trees...thought provoking...great sketch Sasa nice mixture of line and wash!

    1. I actually didn't think of that but you are right, they grow out like trees, so interesting...

  6. What a drawing for one hour!
    You show an original perspective on a graveyard. Often the graves look dark and solid and the trees offer us light and curves. You have drawn the tree as a dark and solid presence, while the stones seem to be light and small. This must therefore be an old graveyard and an interesting place for a meditation on impermanence.

    1. Thank you Paula. So interesting what you said about graves and trees..., I hadn't thought about it before but it must be the reason why this place seemed so interesting to me. In Finland you don't see graveyards like this. And even less so in China.

  7. It's a beautiful drawing, very dark and romantic. Graveyards and trees together create a very powerful image.
    I hope you come back and show us more :)

    1. Thanks Ana. I am planning to but the English weather is conspiring against me, always either too cold or rainy to go...

  8. hey, dear friend, i was missing you!!!
    yes pimpollo is something like bud.
    in general, we say bud, when we speak of a rose or a jasmine that have not yet opened, but can be other flowers too.
    and sometimes when you talk about a pretty young woman, metaphorically, we can say "she is a pimpollo"
    and you are a pimpollo!!! :)

    1. Of, thanks Roberto for the explanation, it is a great word. I am not a pimpollo though, I'm in full bloom ;-)

  9. I love your sketches - everything looks so easy and "light"! I missed a lot, but now have seen all your recent posts. Glad to be here again!

  10. I love cemeteries and this is a beautiful drawing of one.


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