London + Pen and Paper

Just recovered from superflu that left me with no energy for more than two weeks. Now eager to go back to my ink and paper and all that other wonderful stuff you use to make pictures.... But before I'll get something new to post, here are some pen sketches I did before I got ill:
Big Ben

Westminster Abbey

Trafalgar Square


  1. Hi Sasa!!! Trafalgar Square is my favorite!!!! You have an "Architect line" but from my point of view much more loose. more artistic. (between the drawing of an architect and yours, I prefer yours, from here to the moon and back) :))) Do you like some mate? ;))

    1. Thanks Roberto, I don't really enjoy drawing buildings that much but in these cases the buildings were so unique and recognizable that it was different.
      I had some mate-nettle tea today :-)) I don't know how orthodox that is though?

    2. do you really drink mate at your work?, then there is an Argentine there!!!! :)

  2. Very nicely done, Sasa. You have many talents.

  3. Ah love these! I guess i recently discovered similar interest in drawing architecture ;) I just kinda want to say same thing as you told me: I love these! Love the linework! And: do more please ;)


  4. Bonsoir Sasa, Content que ta santé se rétablisse. Nous en avons tous besoin et cela reste notre bien le plus précieux. Prends soin de toi.
    Ces dessins sont des petites merveille, des "pépites" que j'aime à regarder dans les détails tant ils sont beaux. Le second est digne d'une illustratiion d'a conte pour enfant. J'aime la façon dont tu enchante la réalité. Nous avons besoin de rêve, tu nous en procures par ton talent artistique. Merci.
    Bien amicalement,


    P.S. sur mon blog aujourd'hui, une petite dédicace pour toi.

  5. Dear Sasa! I'm glad you are better now. I love your Big Ben! All the sketches are so wonderfully detailed and as a contrast there are big empty spaces. That gives an open and outside atmosphere. I find buildings very difficult to draw, but you really have building skills!

  6. Nice sketches Sasa...I think you must have got whats' commonly known as 'Man' Flu'
    ...showing it is possible for women to get it as well as men!!!! :)

  7. Wow!! very well done sketches!

    P.S. - flu is here around, too... :(

  8. Beautiful sketches! I love the city! And the trees! And the people!


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