Passing Shadow


  1. I think the word for this work is "delicacy", obviously a delicate work like this only can be done by a person of fine sensibility, very delicate, (I'm talking about you, Sasa)
    Thank you for showing us through your art, your gentle spirit, my friend. :))

  2. I like the combination of these two words and the new, special meaning when being together! While I'm looking at your painting I can see more than it's there... Who knows, maybe because one can not "hold" a shadow and you've succeeded to express it...:)))

  3. Cette composition très orientale, Japonisante, est d'une délicatesse absolue, d'une véritable poésie et m'emporte loin dans mes rêves. Excellent travail Sasa. Tu es aussi, une vraie coloriste.


  4. Passing Shadow, Delicacy? To me it is puddle. I see a reflection of a branch and low evening sun in a puddle. In that sense both a passing shadow and delicacy are applicable.

    1. True. I didn't see it myself so but now that you mentioned it... It is puddle!


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