Flower-Paper Experiments

Some stuff I did last week, A2 sheets from different watercolor and cartridge paper blocks. Testing papers and gathering courage to start experimenting with these nice and huge (and expensive) watercolor sheets I just bought.



  1. Sasa!!!! I admire your art!!
    What can I say? Excellent ...?
    is enough? Nor is it a right word to talk about a work of art.
    I would say that seeing your art, my heart trembles with pleasure and my mind rests.
    (Chopstick holders? Mmmmm, is a good idea. You'll be the first to see them) kissssss to London and back :)

    1. Thanks Roberto! I am sure your chopstick holders will be the best I have seen! Beautiful and functional art.

  2. the upper one appeals to me most ... I can imagine that testing papers prior using huge sheets is inevitable considering the price!! Just wondering if you stay with one brand of colors or are you still exploring new brands??

    1. For this type of work I use Chinese ink (Yi De Ge) and Chinese watercolors (Marie's). Chinese watercolors have different consistency and color palette compared to Western ones.

  3. I know from an artist - a friend of mine - how important the quality of the watercolour sheet is! So... go ahead! I think any failure is impossible!:)
    I like your pictures, especially the freshness of the green and blue!:))))

    1. Yes, different papers react complete differently to water and ink and colors.

  4. Ooooh seems like we are doing similar things... In a sense. I just bought some huge sheets of paper but haven't had the chance to do anything on them yet. I love working big although with some things it can be pretty hard/time consuming. But these are looking grand, continue please! :)

    1. You used so much fine line that filling a bid paper with it is going to be time consuming. But looking forward to see the results.

  5. Splashing gorgeous! When you have space, that is a bigbig sheet of paper, the brushstroke gets more powerful. It's beautiful. Real januari atmosphere. Dark clouds, windy weather, cold, but sun is coming through and so are the colors! This makes me jump!

    1. Hedwig the poet! That was something I did not think at all but like it a lot, I mean the January connotation.

  6. I admire your bravery!.....These are cool

  7. Hi, dear Sasa! Thanks for your comment. do you know I'm thinking of painting in a larger size? but I got a little scared.
    it is only an idea, a kind of project. but I have so much to do, before that, I must restart ceramic, that really attracts me. I love modeling with hands, mud removes tension from my back and my head, I recommend to you,
    a hug and a kiss! (You know that I have a niece who later this month will be installed to live in London!)

  8. Sasa, what a creative outburst and what a gorgeous paintings. Bravo.


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