
My sister stayed in London for 4+ weeks. That was nice but not good for my art practice, especially since she was sleeping in my 'art room'. Now I have my room back so have stayed all day inside today just splashing paint, love it!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I know such situations ...... but sometimes it is good to have a break :)

    2. Yes, you get new ideas and new motivation. But it is good to be back!

  2. Oh. Now I understand why Sasa had disappeared! :)))
    Never mind, when you feel like doing something, and can not. Finally when you do, your energy (cumulative) has the force of a rocket to the moon!
    Your art is delicate, but powerful!
    Sasa, welcome to your "art room"
    Kisses! :))

  3. Beautiful, is there some japanese influence in your latest posts?
    I work at home and my family doesn't make it easy for me either...for some reason they think that if you are doing something at home then it could wait.

    1. I studied Chinese ink painting so those influences pop back every now and then.
      Working at home is hard sometimes... :-I

  4. Everything's in you, so it will "go out", no matter today or tomorrow! Meeting your sister is another kind of inspiration, I believe!:0)

    1. That is a great philosophy, I should learn to think like that instead of getting anxious :-)

  5. Nice work...this is good stuff !! Sasa the splasha!

  6. Splashing splendid! And great that you recognised the fish in my drawing :)

    1. I might try to draw a fish too :-) And a red splash!

  7. What a joyful and beautiful splashing.
    I see wintry bushes in it and I'm enjoying it.
    Not being able to work and then returning to all this build-up and suppressed inspiration...oh yes!

  8. Splash ! cela évoque la tâche, le plongeon dans la mer, la faute sur le cahier d'écolier. Rien de tout cela ici, mais une exécution très libre, japonisante, avec une douceur dans l'harmonie des couleurs qui vient équilibrer cette " écriture nerveuse, ce trait, cette mise en page qui, pour ma part, m'attire et me fait continuer le voyage dans le " hors cadre". Il y a une troisième dimension dont je dirait qu'elle se trouve dans ton esprit, ton ouverture au monde partagé et que tout cela est ravissant.
    Un début d'année prometteur.
    Avec toute mon amitié, chère Sasa.



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