
Drew the kitchen.

Actually I have been drawing quite a lot lately but have been too lazy to scan & post anything. I blame the hay fever...

...which reminds me of this amazing installation Roger Dautais kindly dedicated to me, thank you Roger! :-)



  1. You drew a cosy kitchen! Very neat and petite.
    And the fern-and-flowery S, wow!!!, I would cherish this guy! Allthough, not a very good present for a hay fever girl. I'll go check out his website, but now I must hurry, because I want to be the first!

    1. Hedwig, you are always the first, you don't need to worry! :-)

  2. Oh dear Sasa, your drawings are wonderful!
    I always loved from the first moment I saw them.
    I do not know specifically what it is that attracts me, but I like how you solve them, the line, the cleaning in every place, in every area, even the dark areas in your picture, are "clear" areas. :)))
    Ah Roger is a great artist, and a poet of Nature!!!

    1. Oh Roberto, you always make blush :-) Interesting idea, darkness being clear... I like it!

  3. Sasa, when is your first illustrated children's book or magazine due?

    1. Do you think children would be interested to see my kitchen? ;-D

  4. The drawing is in a style of yours which I like...The installation great! I can't believe the ' hard work' of your scanner is what causes us to not see you amazing works!....It must be the London air!

    1. It IS the London air, it must be too clean or something... In Beijing I had no problems with pollen, maybe pollution cancels it?

  5. Indeed, the drawing is in SASA style.... Rod is right.
    I like it too.
    And the S (asa) flower in(S)tallation looks great!

  6. Sasa
    Lorsque je vois la qualité de ton dessin,la sensibilité même du trait, le tout, réalisé avec une âme poétique, je ne m'étonne pas de ta générosité qui te fait présenter une de mes créations, chez toi. Cela me touche beaucoup et je t'en remercie.
    Avec mon amitié.


  7. Sasa! good night!
    thanks for stopping by my blog. I tell you that the foxes come every night and they sit like dogs waiting for me until I go to feed them. Here where I live, every time, there are more people then the foxes have a hard time finding their food. usually, environmentalists, advise not to feed the foxes, but as we know it is not easy to find food, I do not mind doing it. same goes with pumas, but obviously, I do not feed them. they eat the sheep of the rural people ;)

    Snow is not yet in my house, but yes is in the mountains.
    ok. i send you a kiss and a hug!!!!
    have a nice week :)))

  8. Such a lovely kitchen drawing!


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