
Early June there was a demonstration in London against the mass slaughter of badgers. The dairy farmers claim that badgers spread bovine tuberculosis whereas the largest study of tuberculosis suggests that the industry's own practices are the real reason behind the crisis and killing badgers wouldn't help in any meaningful way.


  1. Sasa, I think you caught the drama in a spectacular way.
    I know perfectly that you are a genius drawing people on the street.
    I would like to see more pictures of this kind. please!!!
    have a nice day, my friend!:)

    1. Thanks Robert, you were fast! I don't know about the genius but I'll try my best to sketch more people, just for you :-)

    2. And sorry for missing one 'o'...

  2. You only show 5 faces and give the impression of a crowd. Well done! I like the bit of blue in there. It makes it very lively.

  3. Strong, aggressive and dark. Well done.

  4. Au nom de ses intérêts, l'homme justifie souvent ses crimes que ce soit contre les autres hommes ou contre les animaux. Il est de notre devoir de dénoncer ces scandales. Trop peu d'artistes le font qui craignent des retombées négatives sur leur propre carrière. Je salue ton courage que ton talent accompagne.
    Belle fin de semaine à toi, Sasa.


  5. Great response to the theme, and meaningful work. I agree, the crowd really comes across, your lighter lines really help give the impression. The badger in front adds the right amount of other-worldiness to reach more people directly.

  6. I agree....don't kill badgers!!! They are amazing animals...people should read about them.

  7. excellent piece for the theme! love how the badger is front and center!


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